Education Advocates, LLC

Diversity is the natural occurance of being different from others.  We have a tendancy to chose to be with those who are like us.  We have a tendancy to understand and defend our own beliefs and values without considering the beliefs and values of others...

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Building Equity in Education

issues in education



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Supporting Students and Families

knowledge bases are often narrow, how do we build a bigger scope for success?

Education is seen as the great equalizer. How can we be sure that those in school are given the opportunity they are looking for? What bridges need to be built to assure equal access is assured to those who do not fit the staus quo?

Inclusion means to accept others willingly. How do we accept others willingly if we do not understand the differences between us? To include others, we need to not only understand the history of others but ...

"What we have to do ... is to find a way to celebrate our diversity and debate our differences without fracturing our communities." ~Hillary Rodham Clinton
Gateway to Education through Advocacy